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Who are we?

Freedom - freedom! is a movement called into existence by citizens for freedom of expression,

the libre - choice to use in private or in the public domain.

We stand for the preservation of human rights as well as the right to speak in all important decisions

should be passed on our citizens.

Regardless of whether it's the health sector, housing, property rights, adjustment of taxes

(for pensioners, widows, bachelors and single parents)

less bureaucracy and external protection (TTIP, MERKURSOR, CETA..) in agriculture

and cost-effective as well as gene-free food production without insects,

against early sexualization of children

and specific training for our teachers in dealing with children who show learning weaknesses, so that they also have a chance in our school system,

 our craft should also be promoted in the educational field...


More information can be found in our electoral program...

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