Welcome to our page of Liberté - Freedom!
It all started on 9 July, 2023, when a manifesto was circulated between like-minded people.
You will find the contents of the latter as a “prologue” to our electoral platform, which sets out the main objectives and commitments defining our movement.
These values and attitudes led to the meeting of 60 individuals, all candidates on our lists, as well as many other people whose support is essential; everything takes place in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and spirit.
When reading, don't be distracted by the question marks: the questions posed there are, of course, rhetorical; that is why we know the answers.
After the prologue, you will find the entire electoral programme divided into chapters.
Here too you will see: we are not like the others. Indeed, too often electoral platforms only serve to declare proposals of particular interest to specific groups. This is a purely electoral manoeuvre, and we refuse to participate in these methods.
Nevertheless, with us, you will be able to read and understand exactly the destination of our common journey. Some mention in passing their ‘compasses’ and ‘the right paths to take’. We place our moral compass and positioning at the forefront.
In addition, this implies on our part a transparency, in continuous growth, towards our members, supporters, and you the voters, especially later, as a political movement and fraction in the Chamber of Deputies. You will know for each bill our position, and the reasons which define our decision.
Always guided by this moral compass, here is our position: returning everyone to their responsibilities, reducing state presence, more freedom, more justice, more empathy towards citizens, more respect, prosperity through free trade, the free circulation of goods and currencies, equality of opportunities without levelling, freedom of speech through freedom of expression, et cetera.
If politics fails to make the lives of citizens easier and better, then politics is superfluous!
We will also be the fraction within the Chamber that will table the greatest number of initiatives for bills, on the issues that concern us - and set it all in motion!
Best wishes for our common future,
Är Fräiheet – Liberté!